Tech Tips: Blogger Template

Blogger Cat

I am just going to go through a little about how to customise your very own Blogger page from the template given in the settings.

So basically to get access on your blog controls, you can go to the blog dashboard on the side of the page and then choose theme; you can also access the theme options on your blog dashboard.

Click the Customize button to see the different themes. There are about a dozen different themes to choose from. Then, within each theme, you can choose different customizations
like the color scheme, the background image, and (for some themes) the sidebar layout and width.

You can go on the Background and choose your own background image and a color scheme. Click on the background image to look through the different images, and you will also find the option there to upload your own background image.


You can also change the colours on the blog page as well as the text colour, size and font. From the body, header, posts and comment sections

That all it is very simple and straight forward there go and try it yourselves.

-Tochi :)


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