Doing the Analysis
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Stress Typing Analysis |
Koukourikos, Antonis; Karampiperis, Pythagoras; Panagopoulos, George, International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) (11th, Porto, Portugal, Oct 25-27, 2014). 8 pp.
Creative Stories: A Storytelling Game Fostering Creativity
In this article they are displaying how to apply creative thinking within a game story. What parts of our brains are involved in something with deep creativity usually when the certain thing is exciting to the mind and eye. The tool of adding creative thinking within a story line forms a pull towards people being more involved in the story/activity. Then setting up a Creative Game session they found that using a variety of creative mechanics gives a huge impact in the game story. It has come to mind that there are two distinct modes in this article of which are Creative Input and Competitive Thinking Spaces. Where Creative Input is just providing input for the players giving a series of different thoughts and Competitive Thinking Spaces is an addition to the inputs by adding all the given though the form something bigger. Therefore even though in this article it only shows two distinct modes behind the word creative storytelling for games I know that there are many more aspects involved other than input and thought and though this article was somewhat short as it had some equations I did not really understand I found the rest really good. There should have been a section more around the storytelling itself that would have made it more interesting and informative.
Hall, Johanna, Stickler, Ursula, Herodotou, Christothea, Iacovides, Ioanna, Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies; Dec2020, Vol. 26 Issue 5/6, p1226-1247, 22p
Player conceptualizations of creativity in digital entertainment games
Creativity is defined by the people who game digital games and how they understand their experience within the creative aspects. It is said that Play on its own is a creative process itself because it lets us do a majority of this without risk going through obstacles and experiments alone. The relationship between the creativity and its game play is high and positive. It brings the player and the game together based on the creative gameplay they engage in the game and enjoy even if there are not clearly instructions given the design still makes them want to explore the scenery. With games creating certain emotional connections and challenges sucks the player deep into the game and also letting them choose their own paths and creating themes also takes them in more. “Some participants mentioned that they put a significant amount of planning and thought into their creations”. We can not forget that the art of a game is also part of the creativity of a game other than making and thinking part of it. Art is a big thing when it comes to the design of the characters, game surrounding and all other little things. In the end of this article we remember that the main concepts of creativity is: the thinking process, making the games itself and the art involved in the making.
Requirements For Creative Skills Development In Game Design
In this article it states that creativity is one of many very important skills for game designers. According to this article the generation today is lacking the creativity ability to perform on any sort of product, they think we have no creativity thinking capability which I think is not entirely right there are loads out there that are beyond capable but may not know how to show it. This creativity people are looking for is not one thing specifically it can be expressed through many forms such as music, art, technology, nature, space etc. According to Robert J. Sternberg’s Theory, one of the many theories displayed in the article he states that there are six different variables to creativity which are as follows: knowledge, motivation, style of thinking, the personality, the environment and the person's intelligence. An important aspect with creativity within designing a game they say is discipline and creativity. Another theory saying from the Creative Design Game Theory the say 5 of their principles are: discoveries that inspire such creative design, creative design afe about finding more info, design can be a quest for profit, designers are explorers in science games and game designers who love gaming themselves. This article did break down each section which I found interesting reading.
Towards Game Design via Creative Machine Learning (GDCML)
Sarkar states that machine learning (ML) has been highly applied in creative tasks, machine is something I have not heard before but I now know that it is basically just a computer program that can learn and adapt to new data without any human intervention. Interesting to see that such games like Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda were both successfully made from Machine Learning (ML). Throughout history of making games the source of creativity is noticeable is the music and art of the game. It comes to my acknowledgement that within a certain game adding levels that are not from that specific area is called a blended game that would make that specific level very intriguing to the player. This is probably how they make a level where you reach a certain point in the game and the whole scenery changes in that level making it more fun. This involves a lot of creative thinking and ensign as you would have to find a way to smoothly blend the two different levels together and how the design would correlate with each other successfully. Overall the creativity within the (ML) can approach a game similar with such art and music.
Creative thinking in digital game design and development: A case study
This article states that in this society that we are in and the people, playing and games is a very big part in its development. It helps people learn and gain further knowledge beyond what is told in school. The creativity involved with game creation brings in greater engagement with its design and information, which such things as extra-curricular games such creative designs and layout help the student become more motivated and determined to succeed at them. They not only put these creative designs in games, they are also added in learning products or programs to open the eye of others by making the program/product more interesting and lively rather than just having a bland thing to read or do. Having a creative and fresh learning experience is crucial for people or else they might become unmotivated and lack thought. They say having a creative and modern form of research and design can give certain methods for a better outlook on promoting a creative potential in every student out there. The creativity mindset that is brought out by some is said to be from their intelligence which I guess is linked to their mind and thought that forms intelligence.
Well thats better than last week 👍
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