Unity Tutorial 07

Again with more of the Unity Tutorial and I have done as follows.

Bouncy Ball
Doing this tutorial i learnt more about:

  • Materials/Textures
  • Making camera a child
  • Values and Global/Locals
  • Set Actives (trues/falses)
  • Power ups
  • Debugs/WaitforaSeconds

This tutorial took a couple long hours but the things I had to do were:

Set up a player which was a sphere ball and add texture to it. Create a focal point for the camera and rotate it with the users input. Then make the player go forward but also move in the direction of the focal point.

With that i then added an enemy also with texture. Creating a spawn enemy to
randomly spawn, enemy script and a lookDirection variable to it. 

Lastly I created a power up which would be destroyed when hit. Made a countdown routine, added a knock bar and an indicator all for the power up.

I have realised that after Unity Tutorial 03 i think my unity is just getting weak and not stable which is frustrating at times very sad but i guess there is nothing I can do. I just gotta go through the with what i have hopefully this doesn't affect my prototype.

And thats another Unity Tutorial done and dusted. Bye



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